Assignment No. 2: The Fuel Tank

The Fuel Tank INTRODUCTION: Assignment 2 required us to work within groups to create a full-scale motorcycle fuel tank. Firstly we were first tasked to create a 1:1 scale template replicating one of the motorcycle fuel tanks supplied. To do this we would utilise software such as Rhino, Autodesk, and Fusion360. Following the construction of the 3D template, we were tasked to individually create an aluminum skin that would adhere to a third of the templates contours. PROCESS: Step 1: We measured key points on the existing fuel tank and utilised Rhino to create a 3D virtual model of the chosen fuel tank. Step 2: Using Fusion360/Autodesk Slicer we imported out Rhino stl. file and prepared the model for laser cutting by adjusting the size of the fuel tank and altering the thicknesses of the plywood joints. Step 3: Fusion360 generated template boards (400x800mm) to be laser cut, however, the boards did not utilise material as efficiently as possible....